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  1. Design Conditions

2.1 企業(yè)廢氣污染物狀況

2.1 Status of Enterprise Waste Gas Pollutants


Sprayed Paint Quantity: 15 tons/year


Waste Water Volume:1~2m3/h

廢氣風(fēng)量:150000 m3/h。

Exhaust Gas Volume: 150000 m3/h.

廢氣濃度:平均21mg/m3,最高50 mg/m3

Exhaust gas concentration: ?21mg/m3 on average, maximum 50 mg/m3


Gas Exhaust Method: intermittent & continuous

2.2 公用工程

2.2 Public Engineering


Public Engineering




power supply


Three-phase: 380V, 50Hz


Compressed air


Pressure: 0.6MPa

2.3 設(shè)計要求

2.3 Design Requirements


  1. Paint booth is used for products and parts painting.


The design is carried out in strict accordance with the relevant national standards for safety, health, fire protection and environmental protection. Combining with the current situation of the product and the using coatings, corresponding adjustments are made according to the requirements of the painting process.

2、具有防燃、防爆裝置,符合GB14444-2006《噴漆室安全技術(shù)規(guī)定》與 GB5008-1992《爆炸和火災(zāi)危險場所電力裝置設(shè)計規(guī)范》要求。

  1. Equipped with anti-combustion and explosion-proof devices, and meets the requirements of GB14444-2006 “Safety Technical Regulations for Paint Booth” and GB5008-1992 “Specification for Design of Electrical Devices in Explosive and Fire Hazardous Locations”.


All electrical equipment has reliable grounding, and the protection level and insulation level meet the requirements of relevant national standards


  1. The noise [80db(A) or below] and exhaust gas emission of the paint booth meet the relevant environmental protection requirements of China and Shanghai for the design of machinery factories.

4、充分考慮設(shè)備運行的安全性,在壓力控制方面均采用可靠的控制方式, 以保證設(shè)備的整體性能和質(zhì)量。

  1. Fully considering the safety of equipment operation, we adopt reliable control methods in pressure control to ensure the overall performance and quality of the equipment.


There are interlocking and interactive safety devices in each system to ensure equipment and personal safety.


  1. The equipment is beautiful and elegent, which meets the requirements of reliable, simple operation, convenient and easy maintenance.


  1. The selected parts, materials and electrical components are of reliable quality and leading technology to ensure the overall performance and quality of the equipment.


  1. The waste gas treatment effect of this project is closely related to the required energy consumption and the production process. It is necessary to keep the concentration and air volume of the waste gas within a relatively stable range to make the entire system work better, which needs to meet the emission standards and energy saving aim.


  1. Design Process of Purification System ?and Device Components

3.2 本方案制定的原則

3.2 Principles of This Plan


  1. Industrial pollution must be treated In accordance with the requirements of national and local environmental protection laws, regulations and industrial policies. The social, environmental and economic benefits of the construction project shall be brought into full play.


  1. Actively and steadily adopt new technologies and equipment with advanced and reliable ?reconstruction technologies and pollution control process based on the current status and management level of the enterprise. Strive to achieve stable operation, low cost, convenient management and easy maintenance, so as to realize pollution control and environment protection.


  1. Properly solve the pollutants generated during the construction and operation of the project to avoid secondary pollution.


  1. Strictly implement the current national and local regulations and standards for fire prevention, safety, health and environmental protection.


  1. Choose new type, high-efficiency, low-noise equipment, and pay attention to energy saving.

3.3 本方案治理的基本目標(biāo)

3.3 The Basic Goals of ?This Program


Waste water from Cleaning booth:

根據(jù)國家相關(guān)規(guī)定應(yīng)首先考慮按上海市廢氣排放的有關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)進行治理效果的綜合監(jiān)測驗收,目標(biāo)是噴漆室負(fù)壓、密閉,收集效率 95%以上;達(dá)到VOCs排放濃度在70mg/m3以下,凈化效率>95%的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求。

According to the relevant national regulations, the comprehensive monitoring and acceptance of the treatment effect should be considered in accordance with the relevant standards of Shanghai waste gas emission. The goal is to have a negative pressure and airtightness paint booth, with a collection efficiency of more than 95%, to achieve the VOCs emission concentration below 70mg/m3, and the purification efficiency above 95% of the standard requirements.

3.4 工藝選擇路線

3.4 Process Selection


According to the owner’s future production plan and characteristics, the exhaust gas is suitable for treatment with a concentration and combustion system. For the owner’s intermittent production characteristics, the combustion system is suitable for Catalytic Oxidizer (CO), however the concentration selections includes zeolite and activated carbon. the following comparison are made for decision.


Items for Comparison


Zeolite concentration process


Activated carbon concentration process






Zeolite is non-flammable and will not burn under normal operating conditions.


The activated carbon is combustible, and the activated carbon will also generate adsorption heat in adsorbing organic substances. If the carbon layer or the air flow is not uniform, it will cause the partial temperature rising sharply to ignite the activated carbon and result in chain combustion. In addition, during the desorption process, If the temperature rises too fast, it will also get burning.


Concentration rate






If the desorption air volume of activated carbon is too small, it is easy to cause poor heat dissipation and infulence the safety of the system, so the concentration rate cannot be increased.


System processing efficiency


The adsorption purification efficiency above 95%


Adsorption purification efficiency above 85%


System operation stability


The zeolite concentration and combustion system does not need to switch pipelines, and can be controlled by PLC, and according to the temperature monitoring of each point, the air volume ratio can be adjusted in real time to achieve the most stable and energy-saving operation state


The activated carbon concentration and combustion system uses multiple activated carbon adsorbers in parallel. Switching the adsorption and desorption pipes regularly, requires a large number of switching valves, and long desorption time. The system needs to be kept in operation for a long time, otherwise it is easy to cause incomplete desorption and result in the adsorption effect not up to standard.


The Footprint






Layout with up and down double layer


Replacement frequency of consumables


The service life of zeolite materials is generally 5 to 7 years


Due to the strength of activated carbon particles, friction and breakage will inevitably occur during use and causing losses. Because there will be dead zones in the desorption process, the overall life span generally does not exceed 1 year.


The pretreatment filter is replaced every quarter


system maintenance


The zeolite device is easy to be ?replaced and can be completed by just 1 or 2 person. The zeolite must be sampled and tested every 1 or 2 years to confirm the deterioration of the zeolite. If necessary, regeneration can be carried out to ensure the service life.


If partial zeolite material damage occurs, it can be repaired quickly without stopping production.


Activated carbon replacement is a heavy workload, about 13 tons of activated carbon needs to be replaced each time, which requires the assistance of cranes and mechanical handling tools, and is likely to cause secondary pollution to the surrounding environment. the replaced saturated activated carbon is a hazardous waste regulated by environmental protection administration. Professional organizations are entrusted for disposal, and now the disposal capacity of the organization is limited, and there may be a phenomenon that needs to be queued and the waste cannot be disposed in time. In this situation, undisposed saturated activated carbon must be stored in a dedicated hazardous waste storage area.


The operation and maintenance of the combustion device is basically the same


Based on the above comparison, considering the safety and reliability, stable operation, energy saving, easy maintenance, small footprint and no secondary pollution, the zeolite concentration device is more suitable for the actual needs of the owner, so the treatment process we recommend is Zeolite concentration and catalytic combustion process.

3.5 濃縮裝置樣式選擇

3.5 Concentration Device Selection


For this project with large air volume and low concentration, it is necessary to select an adsorption material with stable characteristic, high concentration rate and cost-effective.


The adsorption materials used in common zeolite concentration devices are mainly made in Japan, Europe and US. Japanese products have a high concentration rate and a wide range of applications. Many cases are in line with the needs of this project.


In addition, the Japanese zeolite concentration device can be divided into two types: the wheel structure and the traditional structure. The operation structure of the adsorption device and the type of zeolite used have different characteristics. Which type of concentration device will be used in this project to meet the actual situation of the owner will be discussed in the following comparison:


3.5.1 Structural Principle


Wheel type


Drum type


Zeolite material structure: disc shape or fan shape


Installation method: install the shaft in the center of the disc, and fix it on the bearings of the brackets on both sides


Rotation method: Turning around the horizontal axis


Wheel zoning: divided into adsorption zone, desorption zone and cooling zone


Sealing method of zones: the sealing strip is installed on the baffle plate , and the surface of the disc is scratched by sealing during operation


Process flow: 1. Waste gas is purified and discharged after passing through the adsorption zone


  1. After the desorption hot air blows through the desorption zone, the blown out concentrated gas enters into the combustion device.


  1. Blow fresh air through the cooling zone to cool down the desorpted zeolite. The air from the cooling zone will be further heated and then enter into the desorption zone as desorption hot air.


Zeolite material structure: modular (red circle)


Installation method: module installation and fixed on groove in the steel drum


Rotation method: Rotating around the vertical axis


Wheel zoning: divided into adsorption zone and desorption zone


Sealing method of zoning: The sealing strip is installed on the modular steel drum, and the scratched zoning baffle plate surface is sealed in operation.


Process flow: 1. Waste gas is purified and discharged after passing through the adsorption zone

  1. 取新風(fēng)加熱作為脫附熱風(fēng)吹過脫附區(qū)后,吹出的濃縮氣體進入燃燒裝置
  2. Heating fresh air as desorption hot air and blow through the desorption zone. Then the blown out concentrated gas enters into the combustion device


3.5.2 Performance Comparison


Items for Comparison


Wheel type


Drum type




Zeolite content of adsorbent






Different production processes


Desorption temperature


180~220℃ Because the module contains more substrates, the heat absorbed by the substrate will not play a role in desorption, so more heat is needed. for this reason, the substrate must be cooled after desorption for adsorption stage.


150~180℃ Because of the high zeolite content, the overall heat energy utilization rate is high, and the adsorption material has less heat storage, so a lower desorption temperature can be used, and directly get into the adsorption stage without cooling after desorption.


Concentration rate


15-20 times


20~33 times


Maximum processing air volume of a single device






Due to the structural strength limit of the traditional disc type, it cannot be made too large


Maximum footprint of a single unit






The footprint is the same but the air volume is 1 times different


Absorption material replacement method


The replacement is carried out in the whole or half of the wheel, which requires the cooperation of hoisting machinery, and the replacement time is long. If there is no backup system, it will take a long time to stop production.


In the condition that the modular adsorption unit block is used for replacement, no special equipment is needed, and it can be replaced by 1 or 2 persons with simple tools, and the replacement speed is fast, which can be completed during a production shift or within a short rest.


Operational stability


Due to the contact friction between the sealing strip and the surface of the zeolite during the operation, permanent damage may be caused. At the same time, the accumulation of VOC on the surface of the wheel may cause certain safety problems.


During operation, the sealing strip does not contact with the surface of the zeolite, which avoids possible damage to the zeolite


3.5.3 Cost-effective


Items for Comparison


Wheel type


Drum type




Adsorption material usage






Under the same working conditions, the investment of rotary drum concentrated zeolite is 5% higher than that of the traditional rotary wheel type


Adsorbent price






Service life of adsorption material


N years


1.5~2N years


The service life is 1~2 times of traditional adsorption materials, and the average annual cost of adsorption consumables is 50% of traditional adsorption materials.


Maximum processing air volume of a single device






For the project with a processing capacity of more than 100,000 m2/h, it can be handled by a single rotary drum concentration unit without backup, which saves investment costs.


Concentration rate


15-20 times


20~33 times


The rotary drum has a high concentration ratio, which can ensure that the subsequent combustion device investment is 60% that of the traditional rotary wheel concentration uint.


3.5.4 Conclusion


According to the comparison of the above aspects, the drum type has obvious advantages in concentration ratio, investment cost, operation energy saving, and later maintenance. It is more in line with the needs of this project for high concentration ratio, stable energy saving and easy maintenance. Therefore, the final process of this project is selected as the zeolite drum concentration and catalytic combustion process.

3.6 有機廢氣沸石轉(zhuǎn)筒吸附—催化燃燒系統(tǒng)簡介

3.6 Introduction to The Organic Waste Gas Zeolite Drum Adsorption Catalytic Combustion System


According to the relevant parameters of the owner’s organic waste gas and treatment requirements, we adopt the method of rotary wheel enrichment and catalytic combustion for treatment.


The brief process is as follows:


The organic waste gas is collected through the pipeline and enters into the pre-filter and condensation cooling equipment for pretreatment, and then enters into the adsorption treatment zone of the zeolite drum device for purification treatment. The organic waste gas entering the concentration drum (as the above picture and the same as below) to be adsorpted and purified in the drum adsorption zone, then directly discharged to the atmosphere (the highest purification efficiency can reach 95%), ?then enters the desorption zone due to the rotation of the drum. the adsorpting drum will be desorpted by180°C small air volume (high concentration), high concentration and small air volume exhaust gas () enter the catalytic combustion treatment system.


As long as the exhaust gas is heated to 280-350℃, it can be catalytically decomposed into water and carbon dioxide when it enters the catalyst bed, it releases heat to become a high-temperature clean gas and is discharged into the atmosphere after temperature exchange.


The catalytic combustion is a typical gas-solid phase catalytic reaction, and the essence is the deep oxidation with active oxygen.


In the process of catalytic combustion, the role of the catalyst is to reduce the activation energy, at the same time, the surface of the catalyst has an adsorption effect, so that the reactant molecules are concentrated on the surface to increase the reaction rate and accelerate the reaction.


With the help of a catalyst, the organic waste gas can undergo flameless combustion at a lower ignition temperature, and be oxidized and decomposed into CO2 and H2O, meanwhile a large amount of heat energy is released. The reaction process is as follow:


  1. Description of Main Equipment


4.1 Equipment Booth Booth Body


  1. Overall dimensions of paint booth: L14000×W9000×H8000mm;




Number of paint booths: 2 booths;


Collection method of paint mist in the paint booth: ?inlet air from the top, and exhaust air from side wall.


Paint booth wall: square steel pipe keel and 75mm color steel rock wool board, lined with 1.5mm thick stainless steel;

噴漆房前后兩端各設(shè)置一套卷簾門,工件進出大門呈通過式,大門規(guī)格為:W7000×H7500mm/ W4000×H7500mm,每扇門上各設(shè)三個觀察窗,材質(zhì)雙層PVC布加保溫層,電機防爆,柔性堆積門,并在每座噴漆房中部設(shè)置伸縮隔斷,材質(zhì)阻燃PVC布,電機防爆;

There are a set of rolling shutter doors at the front and back ends of the paint booth. The workpiece pass-through the doors. The size of the doors are: W7000×H7500mm/ W4000×H7500mm. Each door is equipped with three observation windows. The motor is explosion-proof, flexible stacking doors, and a telescopic partition is set in the middle of each paint booth, the material is flame-retardant PVC cloth, and the motor is explosion-proof;

噴漆室北側(cè)前后兩端設(shè)置緊急逃生門: W1000×H2000mm,外開;

Emergency escape doors are set at the front and rear ends of the north side of the paint booth: W1000×H2000mm with doors opened to the outside.


A rail-mounted lift truck is installed at the front and rear ends of the paint booth with 7 meters walking route, 7 meters lifting height, and 3 meters telescopic. and the motor is explosion-proof ;


The exhaust duct is 1.2mm thick galvanized steel sheet, and the heat preservation aire return duct is 1.2mm thick galvanized steel sheet, which is lined with 50mm thick insulation cotton and 0.5mm thick galvanized steel liner sheet.


Air supply fan: low noise fan with frequency conversion control.

加熱除濕系統(tǒng),采用電加熱新風(fēng)除濕系統(tǒng),保證噴漆室內(nèi)溫度可在 40-60℃范圍內(nèi)穩(wěn)定控制,相對濕度需穩(wěn)定控制在RH75 %以下;

Heating dehumidification system, with the electric heating fresh air dehumidification system to ensure that the temperature in the painting room can be stably controlled within the range of 40-60℃, and the relative humidity must be stably controlled below RH75%;

照明系統(tǒng)采用具有隔爆性能燈箱, ?燈箱安裝在墻體上,密封效果好,滿足防塵及防爆要求。

The illumination system adopts a explosion-proof light box, which is installed on the wall with good sealing and meets the requirements of dust-proof and explosion-proof.

室內(nèi)光照度達(dá) 600Lux 以上,房內(nèi)光線柔和,光照均勻明亮,無照射死角;

The indoor illuminance is above 600Lux, the light in the booth is soft, uniform and bright without blind spot.

控制系統(tǒng)采用手動控制 、自動控制兩種模式,顯示:風(fēng)機、馬達(dá)運轉(zhuǎn)狀態(tài)、電機運轉(zhuǎn)狀態(tài)(Hz)、 風(fēng)機壓差值(ON/OFF)、設(shè)備運轉(zhuǎn)狀態(tài)與進出口壓差值、各點溫度、電磁閥狀況(開/ 關(guān))、報警信息等,另外控制系統(tǒng)還有一系列監(jiān)控感應(yīng)器并采取一系列措施保證生產(chǎn)安全:a. 室內(nèi)安裝可燃?xì)怏w報警器(大門側(cè)1米處),室內(nèi)可燃?xì)怏w濃度超過過爆炸下限(LEL)的25%時,噴室強制排風(fēng),并持續(xù)聲光報警,室內(nèi)可燃?xì)怏w濃度達(dá)到爆炸下限50%時,系統(tǒng)互鎖自動關(guān)閉噴漆作業(yè);b.安裝風(fēng)速測速儀,測定風(fēng)速,當(dāng)風(fēng)速低于設(shè)定值聲光報警。

The control system adopts two modes as manual control and automatic control with displaying fan and motor running status, motor running status (Hz), fan pressure difference (ON/OFF), equipment running status, inlet and outlet pressure difference, temperatures at each point, solenoid valve status (open/close), alarm information and etc. In addition, the control system also has a series of monitoring sensors and measures to ensure production safety.a. Install a indoor combustible gas alarm (1 meter from the gate side). When the indoor combustible gas concentration exceeds 25% of the lower explosion limit (LEL), the paint booth will be forced to exhaust, and the sound-light alarm will occurs continuously. When the indoor combustible gas concentration reaches 50% of the explosion lower limit. the system interlocks is triggered and automatically shuts down the painting operation. b. Install an anemometer to measure the wind speed, when the wind speed is lower than the set value, sound and light alarm ?occurs.


Since the air outlet requires a low wind speed (no less than 0.5m/s), it is easily affected by environmental interference and disturb the measurement accuracy. Therefore, the cross-sectional wind speed can be calculated by measuring the total exhaust air volume; c. The painter and the exhaust fan are designed to be interlocked, therefore the painter cannot be initiated if the fan is not turned on or the wind speed in the exhaust duct is not up to the standard.


At the same time, the compressed air pipeline is equipped with a flow meter and a closed valve to detect the amount of compressed air in real time. When the exhaust air volume does not meet the requirements, the compressed air supply is automatically cut off; d. ?2 sets of temperature control probes is installed indoor to detect the indoor temperature. When the indoor temperature exceeds the set value, the sound and light alarm will occured continusouly and the painting equipment will stop working.


the system can be reset manually to work again.

系統(tǒng)實時記錄兩套溫控探頭溫度;e. 在房體安全門上安裝有壓力保護裝置,當(dāng)房內(nèi)空氣壓力大于 1300Pa 壓力值時,安全門將自動打開泄壓,以保證操作人員安全。

The system records the temperature of two sets of temperature control probes in real time; e. A pressure protection device is installed on the safety door of the booth. When the air pressure in the booth is more than 1300Pa, the safety door will automatically open and release the pressure to ensure the safety of the operator.

同時所有電氣設(shè)備均采用帶過載保護、短路保護及斷相保護的線路設(shè)計,一旦發(fā)生設(shè)備故障報警,整個噴漆系統(tǒng) ?停止工作。

At the same time, all electrical equipment adopts circuit design with overload protection, short circuit protection and phase failure protection. Once equipment failure alarm occurs, the entire painting system stops working.


  1. Dimensions of cleaning booth: L8000×W9000×H8000mm


Number of cleaning booth: 1 booth


Cleaning booth wall: square steel pipe keel + 75mm color steel rock wool board, lined with 1.5mm thick stainless steel;

噴漆室前后兩端各設(shè)置一套卷簾門,工件進出大門呈通過式,大門規(guī)格為: W7000×H7500mm,材質(zhì)雙層PVC布加保溫層,電機防爆,柔性堆積門,每扇門上各設(shè)至少三個觀察窗;

There are 2 sets of rolling shutter doors each at the front and back ends of the paint booth. The workpiece pass-through the doors. The size of the door is: W7000×H7500mm, double-layer PVC cloth with insulation layer, explosion-proof motor, and flexible stacking doors. Each door has at least three Observation windows

清洗房北側(cè)前后兩端設(shè)置緊急逃生門: W1000×H2000mm,外開;

Emergency escape doors are set at the front and rear ends of the north side of the Cleaning booth: W1000×H2000mm, with opening to the outside;


There is a rail-mounted lift truck on each side of the cleaning booth, the motor is explosion-proof, with 7 meters walking route, 7 meters lifting height, and 3 meters telescopic;

照明系統(tǒng)采用具有隔爆性能燈箱, ?燈箱安裝在墻體上,密封效果好,滿足防塵及防爆要求。

The illumination system adopts a explosion-proof light box, which is installed on the wall with good sealing and meets the requirements of dust-proof and explosion-proof.

室內(nèi)光照度達(dá) 600Lux 以上,房內(nèi)光線柔和,光照均勻明亮,無照射死角;

The indoor illuminance is above 600Lux, the light in the booth is soft, uniform and bright without blind spot.


Sewage treatment plan: recycling after purification.


  1. Engineering examples and certificates of common materials

4.2 電解污水處理裝置

4.2 Electrolysis Sewage Treatment Device


The waste water produced in the Cleaning booth mainly contains pollutants such as dust, cleaning agent and hydraulic oil. According to the actual needs of the owner and the preliminary communication, this experiment confirm the feasibility of the previously proposed waste water recycling and determine the equipment specifications.


4.2.1 Experiment


  1. Waste water status: in this experiment will uses the waste water sample provided by the owner, and the waste water is light yellow and slightly turbid (see picture 1)


  1. Experiment 1: Use a small electrolysis experimental device to electrolyze the waste water and observe the changes in the waste water and test the conductivity (unit: μs/cm). 30 minutes after the start of the experiment, obvious scum appears in the upper layer of the wastewater, and the water body begins to become white and clear. the conductivity slight increase to 22.7 (see picture 2); ?1 hour later, the scum continued to increase, and the conductivity was 42 (see picture 3); 2 hours later, the conductivity rose to 96.9 (see picture 4).


  1. Experiment 2: Mix the electrolyzed wastewater with the original wastewater to simulate the cyclic mixing state. After mixing, the conductivity of the water is 37.8 (see picture 5); the conductivity rises to 121.6 (see picture 6) after purification for 1 hour. The water body is basically colorless and transparent (see picture 7). sampling the central layer water and stay still, some flocs will settle (see picture 8), and the conductivity of the water body drops to 72.5 (see picture 9).

圖片1 實驗水樣照片 ????圖片2 實驗一 ????圖片3 實驗一

Picture 1 Experimental water sample picture Picture 2 Experiment 1 Picture 3 Experiment 1

圖片4 實驗一 ???圖片5 實驗二 ???圖片6 實驗二 ???圖片7 凈化后水樣

Picture 4 Experiment 1 Picture 5 Experiment 2 Picture 6 Experiment 2 Picture 7 Purified water sample

圖片8 水體底部沉降絮體 ???????????圖片9 靜置后水體電導(dǎo)率

Picture 8 Settling flocs at the bottom of the water body Picture 9 Conductivity of the water body after staying still


  1. Conclusion: After the wastewater is purified by electrolysis in this experiment, the water body becomes clean, and most of the waste residue can float up and is easier to be removed. According to the owner’s request, the conductivity of the water body after treatment ?cannot be greater than 500, and the highest conductivity in this experiment It is 121.6, and the conductivity drops to 72.5 after staying still for a period of time.


This phenomenon shows that the higher conductivity in the experiment is mainly due to the fact that after the impurities in the water body are converted into flocs, there are still some lighter flocs suspended in the water body. In addition, because the small electrolytic device does not circulate in real time, aluminum ions are still electrolyzed into the water body after the impurities are removed , and higher ion concentration resulting in a higher electrolysis rate.


Therefore, the conductivity will drop after staying still, and the circulating water tank in the actual equipment can achieve this effect with continuously entering circulating water. We only need to set the operating time according to the actual situation of the wastewater to ensure that there are no excessive ions enter into the water body, so it can fully meet the requirements of the circulating water conductivity.


4.2.2 Design Plan


When the wastewater recycling method is adopted, circulating water is used for pre-cleaning, and clean water is used for final flushing. The rinsed wastewater enters the circulation system as supplementary water. The designed treatment capacity of the circulation system is 5m3/d. Because there is no existing circulating pond on site, so our company designed another 3m×4m×1.5m circulating pond beside the collecting pond. The pond is divided into a waste water collection area and a sedimentation discharge area; then an electrolytic waste water purification device is installed beside the circulating pond for treatment, the treated circulating water flows into the sedimentation discharge pond for the next cleaning, and a filter press device is set to remove the sedimentation filter residue. The system processing flow is as follows:


4.2.3 Expected Effect


  1. After the above transformation, the circulating water will not be odorous.


  1. After the above transformation, the circulating water can be used recyclly without discharge.


  1. The highly-automated waste water treatment machine can completely replace the role of flocculant, the amount of waste residue produced is small and easily to be cleaned.

4.3 廢氣預(yù)處理系統(tǒng)

4.3 Exhaust Gas Pretreatment System


4.3.1 Three-stage Filter


Paint waste gas contains a lot particulates, which will continue to accumulate on the surface of the zeolite material. The increasing particulates will affect the purification effect of the drum concentration device. In order to sustain the adsorption and purification performance of the zeolite drum. Organic waste gas must pass through a filter before entering into the concentration device . Considering the pressure loss of the system and the requirement of the concentration drum for the concentration of particulates, a three-stage bag filter is installed at the front of the zeolite wheel. The filtration grades are G4, F7, F9. The filter adopts a modular design with different grades and easily to be assembled.


Differential pressure gauges are installed at the front and rear of the filter to determine the replacement cycle according to the change of the pressure difference to ensure the normal, safe and stable operation of the exhaust gas treatment system.

4.4 濃縮系統(tǒng)

4.4 Concentration System


Exhaust air volume




Inlet Exhaust Gas Concentration


50mg/m3 (maximum)


Concentration rate




Purification efficiency




Inlet Exhaust gas temperature


Normal temperature (<30℃)


Air volume required for desorption




Temperature required for desorption




Concentration of concentrated waste gas


1.27±0.25g/m3 (maximum)




HRH-1524, 72 pieces of 800H modules in total


Drum Parameters List for This Scheme

眾所周知沸石材料是整個濃縮裝置的核心, 本設(shè)備采用世界最先進沸石轉(zhuǎn)筒技術(shù)和最高效的沸石模塊,作為裝置核心的沸石模塊是由多層沸石紙疊放成蜂窩狀的成型模塊。

As we known that zeolite material is the core of the entire concentration device. This equipment adopts the world’s most advanced zeolite drum technology and the most efficient zeolite module. As the core of the device, the zeolite module is a honeycomb shaped module made of multiple layers of zeolite paper.


This zeolite paper uses the industry’s most advanced wet papermaking process to mix powdered zeolite, bone fibers and binders (organic, inorganic) into corrugated paper (see the picture below).


In this way, zeolite is contained even in the gaps between the bone fibers, so the total amount of zeolite contained in the paper will increase, and zeolite is hard to fall off.


The higher ratio of zeolite content, the zeolite module has stronger ability to adsorb and desorb organic solvents, moisture, etc.Compared with bone fiber, the higher ratio of zeolite with low heat capacity, the heating energy efficiency and desorption of the module get higher in the adsorption concentration system.


The zeolite content rate of the zeolite module is the highest in the world with 75~80wt%, so it is more than 30% higher than the No. 2 energy efficiency (50wt%) .


Achieve high concentration (see figure below), maximize the air volume that can be handled by a single unit, and fully realize energy-saving operation.

4.5 催化燃燒器

4.5 Catalytic Combuster


Catalytic device parameter table


HR quantity


1 set


Rotating speed of drum




Actual exhaust gas volume for CO treatment


5000Nm3/h (rotating drum desorption gas)


Designed exhaust gas volume for CO treatment




CO exhaust gas VOC removal rate




Heat exchanger efficiency




CO oxidation chamber temperature

350 ℃

350 ℃

4.6 控制系統(tǒng)

4.6 Control System

本控制系統(tǒng)專為三級過濾+濃縮轉(zhuǎn)筒+催化燃燒裝置系統(tǒng)設(shè)計,根據(jù)工藝要求,采用現(xiàn)場手動控制 、自動控制兩種模式。

This control system is specially designed for the three-stage filtration, concentration drum and catalytic combustion device system. According to the process requirements, it adopts two modes as on-site manual control and automatic control.


On-site manual mode: Selects the “manual” mode by touching “manual/automatic” switch on the touch screen operation interface, the button on the touch screen operation interface can be used to realize the “run” or “stop” operation of a single device, or it can be operated on site by manual control to meet the needs of repairing and maintenance.


Automatic mode: When press the “Manual/Automatic” switch on the touch screen operation interface and select the “Automatic” mode, the safety of the system equipment is controlled by the touch screen according to the actual working conditions and production requirements of the exhaust system, and determines the “Run” or “Stop” of the system or single equipment without manual intervention, thereby maximizing the automatic operation of the system, reducing personnel allocation, and providing a guarantee for the economic operation of the exhaust gas treatment system.


4.7 Automatic Control Process and Description


After pressing the automatic operation button to start the equipment, the valve position is checked and confirmed.


The exhaust gas inlet valve is opened or closed (controlled according to the preheating temperature).


The fresh air supplement valve is opened or closed (controlled according to the catalytic temperature).


The heat exchange bypass valve is opened or closed (controlled according to the desorption temperature and preheating temperature).


The desorption temperature regulating valve is opened or closed (controlled according to the desorption temperature).


The valve is detected with a delay of 1 minute, and if the detection is abnormal, alarm occurs.


The valve detection is normal, the adsorption fan start, the drum motor start, the CO exhaust fan and the desorption fan start, and the valve is switched.


The CO exhaust fan and the desorption fan are started, and the pressure detection is delayed for 60 seconds. If the detection is abnormal, the alarm occurs;


After the CO fan and the desorption fan are started with a normal pressure test result. ?the combustor will perform furnace cleaning, ignition, heating, and normal operation after 3 minutes of air purging. The heating is controlled according to the set value of the catalytic combustion preheating temperature.


Temperature adjustment: *: >350℃ the combustor stops running,


*: <350℃, the combustor will operate adjustly according to the temperature.


If the combustor starts abnormally, it will get self-locking, stopping and alarming.


Valve operation (when the pressure detection is normal, the valve will start to operate, the valve opening is between 100% maximum and 0% minimum, the opening can be limited by the PLC program.)


Inlet valve:


When the preheating temperature is greater than or equal to the set value, the exhaust gas inlet valve is gradually opened.


When the preheating temperature is less than the set value, the exhaust gas inlet valve gradually closes.


Fresh air supplement valve:


When the catalytic temperature is greater than or equal to the set value, the fresh air supplement valve gradually opens;


The fresh air supply valve gradually closes;


Desorption temperature regulating valve:


Actual temperature < Desorption temperature setting value:


Open the desorption temperature control valve to increase the hot air temperature;


Actual temperature>Desorption temperature setting value:


The desorption temperature control valve is closed to reduce the temperature of the hot air;


Heat exchange bypass valve:


When the desorption temperature is less than the set value and the preheating temperature is less than 310℃, the heat exchange bypass valve is controlled according to the set value of the desorption temperature, and the bypass valve is closed when the desorption temperature is less than the set value;


When the desorption temperature is greater than or equal to the set value and the preheating temperature is greater than 310℃, the heat exchange bypass valve is controlled according to the set value of the preheating temperature.


When the desorption temperature is greater than the set value and the preheating temperature less than or equal to the set value, the heat exchange bypass valve opens;


When the desorption temperature is greater than the set value and the preheating temperature is greater than or equal to the set value, the heat exchange bypass valve is closed;


Drum operation


The drum runs continuously, about 3 turns per hour. The speed is determined at the early stage of equipment configration, and there is no need to change the speed during normal operation.


Abnormal occurs


If the equipment is abnormal: sound and light alarm occur, the operator should check the cause of the alarm immediately and prepare for the emergency.




After pressing the automatic stop button, the combustor will automatically stop according to the stop delay setting value.

當(dāng)爐膛溫度>100℃時, CO排風(fēng)機、脫附風(fēng)機、吸附風(fēng)機、轉(zhuǎn)筒馬達(dá)保持運行;

When the furnace temperature is more than 100℃, the CO exhaust fan, desorption fan, adsorption fan and drum motor keep running;


When the furnace temperature is less than or equal to 100℃, the CO exhaust fan and desorption fan stop working, and the adsorption fan and drum motor will automatically stop according to the stop delay of the adsorption fan.

4.8 電氣及自控安全措施

4.8 Electrical and Automatic Control Safety Measures


The design of the electronic control system of this project is based on PLC automatic control, including man-machine interface operation center, safety interlock, sound-light alarm and etc., and equiped with appropriate indicator lights and control buttons as auxiliary.


(1) Change the control parameters according to the process requirements.


(2) ?interlocking function is available during automatic operation.


(3) The operation can be exited according to the process conditions during automatic operation


(4) The system has a self-diagnosis function, which can alarm and stop automatically when abnormal conditions occur during operation.


(5) The system adopts PLC program for full-automatic control in running and has a memory function. When the system is stopped and restarted, the running mode can be automatically selected according to the last running state.


  1. Power supply: the main power supply is 380V±5%, three-phase, 50HZ, adopts three-phase five-wire system.


  1. Technical requirements of the control cabinet:


(1) In order to keep the temperature in the cabinet below the maximum allowable temperature of each component, ventilation must be provided; the fan power supply is 220V, 50HZ, the fan with removalable cleaning filter must have measures to protect fingers from injury, and the noise must meet the standard requirements,


(2) 20% installation space of ?the control cabinet should be reserved to prepare for adding components in the future. The structure and all internal wiring in the control cabinet should meet the specific requirements of relevant standards.


(3) The panel of the electric control cabinet and the panel of each operation station must be equipped with an emergency stop button, and the operating stand shall be equipped with an emergency stop button as required.


  1. PLC Main Control Points:


(1) Control of air inlet and outlet units


During the adsorption/desorption operation of the system, the inlet/outlet valve of the equipment is controlled to feed back digital signals in time, and control the start and stop of the adsorption/desorption fan at the same time.


(2) Combustion unit control


Automatic heating control of combustion furnace and interlocking control of internal temperature, pressure and high temperature valve.


(3) Alarm control


When the internal temperature and pressure of the system exceed the set range, the system will carry out corresponding chain reactions including sound and light alarm, forced system shutdown, and activation of emergency processing units.


When the concentration of the organic solvent in the painting room exceeds the set value, sound and light alarm occurs immediately, and the air supply and exhaust system will continue to work.


  1. Protective Measures in Power Loss:


(1) When the power supply is cut off or the equipment is stopped in an emergency, in order to avoid equipment damage or personal injury, no actuator movement of the equipment is allowed.


(2) The electronic control system and components must be able to adapt to the voltage deviation, ?±5% fluctuation, flicker, and various harmonics and pulse interference cause by the factory power supply.


(3) When there is phase loss or undervoltage of the power supply system, power switch of the system must be automatically cut off; after the voltage interference or power loss occurs, the interrupted program must be able to be reinitiated.


  1. Protection of electrical equipment:


(1) Each circuit adopts leakage, short circuit, and overcurrent protection devices separately, and each circuit adopts separate overload protection devices, and it is not allowed to be automatically reinitiated.


(2) Limit switches and various protective switch devices adopt ?relays to perform actions in the loop.


  1. The advantages of our company’s PLC automatic control system:


(1) High reliability and strong anti-interference ability: The PLC system adopts modern large-scale integrated circuit technology and is manufactured by strict production technology. The internal circuit also adopts advanced anti-interference technology, which has high reliability. In addition, PLC is desiged With hardware failure self-detection function, an alarm message can be sent in time when a failure occurs.

(2)易學(xué)易懂,操作簡便: PLC系統(tǒng)只使用少量開關(guān)量邏輯控制指令就可以方便地實現(xiàn)繼電器電路的功能,觸摸屏界面,操做簡單。

(2) Easy to learn and easy to operate: The PLC system can easily realize the function of the relay circuit with only a few switching logic control instructions. The touch screen interface is simple to operate.


(3) Coordinated control and production: The PLC system is linked with the production line to operate each control valve, and realize the control mode of “timely signal feedback and rapid response”.


(4) Preventive alarm and emergency control: When the internal pressure and temperature of the system exceed the set range, the signal will be fed back to the central CPU in time, meanwhile sound and light alarms occur, and emergency stop is triggered to ensure the safety of the entire system.


(5) Regulation mode, energy-saving control: PLC will automatically adjust its own working mode according to the on-off and running status of the entire system to minimize the energy consumption of the equipment.

4.9 系統(tǒng)特點

4.9 System Features


Organic waste gas rotating drum adsorption and catalytic combustion desorption is an combination of adsorption and catalytic combustion processes, combining the advantages of both method, achieving mutual support effect and popular using, more flexible in waste gas treatment, and lower operating costs .


The features of the device are as follows:


The unique zeolite material ensures the high absorption and desorption efficiency of the rotating drum device, so that the original large air volume and low concentration of VOCs waste gas can be converted into small air volume, high concentration waste gas, which is convenient for subsequent treatment.


  1. The pressure drop caused by the adsorption of VOCs by the zeolite drum is extremely low, which can greatly reduce the power consumption of the fan.


  1. The overall system adopts a pre-combined modular design, which has the smallest space requirement and provides a continuous and unmanned control mode.


  1. The design of the drum device with high removal rate ensures that the exhaust gas through the drum can meet the strictest national emission standards.


  1. Modular design makes the maintenance of the drum equipment and the regeneration of materials simple and easy.


  1. Compared with direct combustion, catalytic combustion has the remarkable characteristics of low light-off temperature and low energy consumption.


In the case of high exhaust gas concentration, external heating is not required after reaching the light-off temperature.


  1. High treatment efficiency (>85%), and the final products are harmless CO2 and H2O (heteroatomic organic compounds and other combustion products), so there is no problem of secondary pollution.


Due to the low temperature, the production of NOX can be greatly reduced.

4.10 排氣煙囪

4.10 Exhaust Chimney

排風(fēng)煙囪底部(0-10m)采用12mm鋼板制作,(10-20m)采用10mm鋼板制作,(20-32m)采用8mm鋼板制作,設(shè)置錐形風(fēng)帽,鋼材表面處理后外涂防銹底漆及面漆,底部3 米高度用耐高溫巖棉做外保溫,外包鍍鋅鐵皮。

The bottom of the exhaust chimney (0-10m) is made of 12mm steel plate, (10-20m) made of 10mm steel plate, (20-32m) made of ?8mm steel plate, and equipped with a conical hood, the surface of the steel is covered with anti-rust primer and top coat, the 3 meters bottom is coated with high temperature resistant rock wool for external insulation, which is covered with galvanized iron sheet.


Chimney fixing method: the bottom of the chimney is fixed by a combination of foundation bolts and welding, and coated with galvanized iron. The 3 meters bottom of the chimney is insulated with high temperature resistant rock wool. A spiral staircase and frame are set around the chimney and fixed with fiber ropes. A sampling platform is set at a height of 15 meters. .

4.12 VOCs治理設(shè)施運行監(jiān)控儀

4.12 VOCs treatment Facility Operation Monitor


In the notice issued by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment on “the Comprehensive Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds in Key Industries in Shanghai”, the company’s tasks meet the standards and complete the VOCs comprehensive treatment plan. All companies should actively take effective control measures to reduce VOCs emission .


The following points must be ensured in the operation management:


Set the control index and fix the range limit in normal operation;


Continuously measure and record the temperature, pressure (pressure difference), time and frequency values of the control indicators of the treatment facility;


Continuously measure and record the instantaneous value and accumulated value of total power consumption;


When a failure occurs, the failure alarm information must be reported in time and an obvious failure identification must be set.


According to environmental protection requirements and previous experience, we have developed a VOCs treatment facility operation monitor, which collects and integrates various operating parameters of the entire system, so that operation managers can monitor in a timely, effective and convenient manner. Master the operation status of the entire system, the main monitoring parameters are shown in Table 1.

表1 VOCs治理設(shè)施運行監(jiān)控儀監(jiān)控內(nèi)容

Table 1 Content of VOCs treatment facility operation monitor


Equipments and facilities


Monitoring indicators


Paint Booth


Indoor temperature and humidity


VOCs Treatment Equipment


  1. Air volume handled 2. Electricity consumption of facilities


Heat Exchanger


Inlet and outlet temperature




  1. Adsorption cycle 2. Desorption time and temperature


Catalytic Oxidizer


Catalytic Bed Temperature


Exhaust fan


Motor frequency


Exhaust pipe


Outlet concentration (for comparison)


Note: In addition to the parameters in the above table, monitoring items can also be added according to the owner’s requirements and actual conditions


The real-time data of all monitoring content will be displayed intuitively on the main interface of the monitor (Figure 1). In addition to real-time display, the data of each item will also be displayed in a data curve (Figure 2), which will display real-time data, running curve and upper and lower limits. and each operation curve can be enlarged. The enlarged curve can be dragged up and down for viewing, and the curve can also be displayed in different time units by year, month, and day.


All data will be collected and generate an EXCEL file every day, if need to export the file, you can directly pull out the SD card and insert it into the computer.


This device has specialized communication software, which can support the Internet of Things system for the necessary users, and provide functions such as of multiple sets group networking, cloud storage, and mobile APP display.